Everyone should have the opportunity to play in school and be a part of the action in any way they choose.

Your journey to inclusion is simple.

Step 1

Register and take our inclusion check-in survey

Start your journey to inclusion with our simple check-in survey. It helps us understand what you’re doing well and where we can help. It’ll only take about 3 minutes. Don’t worry if you’re new to inclusion; we all start somewhere.

Step 2

Discover our award-winning training

Join our fantastic training program! Watch videos and use our helpful posters with tips and checklists to make your school more inclusive for people with disability.

Step 3

Make a difference in your school

Put what you’ve learned into practice, by developing your own Sport4All Inclusion Action Plan with the support of our Inclusion Coaches. Create a friendly and safe place for people with disability. Remember, even small changes can have a big impact!


First step.
Complete an assessment.

Your answers will be collected and generated to identify areas where your school are doing well and highlight areas that need focus on increasing disability and accessibility inclusion in the Sport4All online learning workspace. 


Next step.
Start your online learning.

Already registered to Sport4All?


Third step.
Build your action plan.

The final step of the Sport4All program is the drafting of your Sport4All Inclusion Action Plan (SIAP). Your SIAP will provide your school with a clear framework of how you will include inclusive actions across your sports program(s). The SIAP will outline clear actions that your school will deliver annually that support increased participation across all roles at your school for people with disability.

Here are five things schools can do today to make it a more inclusive place.

1. Be open and flexible. There are a variety of ways people with disability can be involved in your school.

2. Use person-first language. Focus is on the person before their disability e.g. “person with disability”. 

3. Ask don’t assume. Ask the person with disability how they would like to participate, don’t make assumptions about what they can and can’t do. 

4 Accessibility helps everyone. Remember that small changes can have big impacts on a person with disability.

5. Get your school involved. Kick start your inclusion journey by registering to take part in the Sport4All training program.

Elvin looking majestic dancing ballet

Let’s get you on the inclusion podium.

The Inclusion
Check-in tool

Our inclusion Check-in tool allows you to assess the current level of inclusion in your school.

A Game

We know that every sporting club and school is different and therefore so is your pathway to total inclusion.


Understanding, learning and building inclusion is made easy with the Sport4All Online learning modules and training resources.

Building a

Sport4All is about building partnerships with you, people with disability, local governments and National sporting organisations to build energy around inclusion.

Noah looking happy on the soccer field in his wheelchair

What are some misconceptions people have about you and your disability?

“He is in a wheelchair so he will be useless to play with us. Don’t judge a person by their appearance. I might be a good goalkeeper because of the width of the chair.”

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Andrew Negrelli

“Inclusive sport matters to me because there is no I in team and everyone is included. Inclusive sport looks like one big happy family all together. I love sport because it keeps me fit and active, and I feel part of a team”

Andrew Playing Tennis
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